Participative Personal Development
When thinking about your career, your personal aims, and the way in which you want to make a contribution to health care, it can be very difficult to diagnose your own strengths
and weaknesses, to set personal goals that are stretching and yet feasible, and to monitor your progress towards them.
That is why joining a Personal Development Set can be so valuable. You work with a facilitator and 4-6 fellow set members and follow the following process: You use a number of
different frameworks to explore your preferred behaviours in a variety of settings, reflecting on the situations in which you are most effective, and on how to increase your effectiveness in those where you are less
You agree, with other members and the facilitator, a number of personal learning goals which will be challenging to reach and yet feasible.
You work as a combined resource on a programme of development opportunities to help everybody achieve their goals.
You monitor each other's progress towards goals (and in so doing develop your own skills in developing others), providing constructive feedback, support and opportunities.
Personal Development Sets are all about realising your potential. They can be a very valuable means of personal growth that is also cost-effective.
To discuss joining a Personal Development Set contact us on