Academic Modules
Really Learning has considerable experience of designing and delivering modules as part of award bearing programmes. While the greater part of our
portfolio is at Master’s level, we also work within first degree programmes, and at NVQ levels 3 and 4.
In some cases we work to a detailed brief, in the form of an approved curriculum. In some we work to specified learning outcomes. In others we work from a title or given subject
area and suggest to you both the learning outcomes and the detailed design. In all cases we incorporate the underpinning principles of Really Learning and in all cases we work closely with you, the programme leader, to ensure that we support other aspects of the programme.
Our specialist interests include
- strategic analysis and strategy development,
- organisational behaviour,
- the sociology of healthcare professions and its implications for managers,
- quality management and the managerial role in influencing clinical quality,
- models of leadership and leadership environments,
- applications of the ‘new sciences’ to management,
- managerial ethics,
- influences on clinical and managerial decision making, and
- personal effectiveness.
Our major interest is in bringing all of these together to consider the management and leadership behaviours that will change attitudes of health care
professionals and help them to work constructively in pursuit of client goals.
Recent modules include:
Leadership, Management and Change
Strategic Analysis and Strategy Development
Managing Across Boundaries
Growing into Leadership
Judgement and Decision Making
Clinical Decision Making
Managing People, Managing Relationships
In production:
Increasing the influence of your service
Developing service quality
To help your course members increase their personal effectiveness and to take responsibility for their learning we can also design a stand alone module on Personal
Effectiveness, or incorporate relevant principles into your existing modules. Alternatively we can facilitate a personal effectiveness element within your programme, using the principles of action learning and participative personal
If you would like to discuss any aspect of a module you are planning in any area of leadership, management, and/or personal effectiveness please contact
For other examples, see Bespoke Learning Events